No Weapons Shall Prosper

As members of God’s army, we do not have to worry about any weapon the enemy will use against us. No weapon can stand against the armies of God.

Isaiah declares:

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.

The enemy will form all kinds of weapons to attempt to destroy us. Satan and his armies have weapons that span the gambit of abilities and targets:

🪖 Weapons of words – The enemy will lie, defame, slander, mock, and curse us to try to destroy our reputation and minimize our example.

🪖 Weapons of thoughts – The enemy will plant thoughts about us in the hearts of others in an attempt to turn them against us and God’s message.

🪖 Weapons of action – The enemy will isolate, ignore, punish, persecute, pursue, imprison, torture, and even kill us in an attempt to silence us.

🪖 Weapons that target the outside – Some of the Devil’s weapons come from outside sources and target our outside person.

🪖 Weapons that target the inside – Some of the Devil’s weapons come from inside our minds and target our inner person.

🪖 Weapons that are disguised – Some of the Devil’s weapons present as trojan horses. They appear good and even gifts but ultimately can lead to our undoing.

All these weapons can sometimes overwhelm us. How can we defeat such a powerful and equipped enemy? The answer is clear and straight from the mouth of God. As long as our righteousness is rooted in God’s ways, then no weapon fashioned by Satan can prosper against us.

As long as we stay rooted in God’s laws, meditate on His words, act according to His commands, and walk in His path, nothing the enemy uses against us will stand. It is the heritage of the soldiers and servants of the Lord. Protection. Safety. Victory.

Stand with the Lord and no weapon of Satan can defeat you. #SoldierforChrist #TheLordisMyBanner

Published by Adonai's Appeal

Actively Seeking God

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