Open Your Eyes!

There’s one thing all soldiers have…an enemy. All soldiers are fighting against an enemy. This reality means all soldiers must be vigilant in their watches. They must watch for the enemy.

Peter tells us that it is no different for soldiers of Christ. We are facing the most dangerous enemy there is – the Devil. He is acting seeking to destroy us. He never stops looking for someone to destroy. In fact, he preys on those who are not watchful and those who let their guard down. Since he is always hunting, we must always be watching.

If we are watching then we should get good at seeing his approach or spotting his traps!

Peters tells us that when we see him and encounter him, we must resist him. We must make a stand!

But here is the catch – we’ll never see him coming and never be able to make a stand if we aren’t watching for out for him. Don’t let Satan sneak up on you! Open your eyes! #SoldierForChrist #TheLordIsMyBanner

Published by Adonai's Appeal

Actively Seeking God

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